My Christmas Tree 🎄

Christmas Tree Red Shops Blog Travel World to Explore

I think that by this time you understand I am completely in love with Christmas ❤️. I love everything that is decorations, I like the colors, I love the songs and humming them and most important of all… I love making the Christmas tree!

About 5 years ago my parents decided to buy a new Christmas tree that had a very simple goal: to touch the ceiling! My current Christmas tree is 2.10m, green and has many branches where we can put all the ornaments we have. My mom is also in love with Christmas (she probably passed it on to me). Over the years, my parents have accumulated a lot of Christmas decorations so my mother wanted to have more space to put everything. In addition, whenever we travel we try to buy a Christmas pendant and then put it on the tree. You can see here the main Christmas pendants we bought in the main capitals of the world!

For me, the Christmas tree is one of the most important symbols of Christmas and, besides showing our personality, it also says a lot about us. I’m not a girl to put only two or three balls, a little star and that’s it. If I’m doing it better do it big. I lose more than a weekend setting up the Christmas tree because I do it with great pleasure and I put on a lot of things. My father usually sets up the tree on Friday evening and puts the lights on right away. Still on Friday, my mother and I started to put on the new decorations we bought (we buy half a dozen things every year) and the bigger decorations. Then, on Saturday and Sunday it is literally decorating, decorating, decorating … until the Christmas tree is perfect and how we designed it! We even used to have to walk with the ladder to get to the top of the tree. The last thing we put is the star at the top. 🌟

On my Christmas tree you will find everything … balls, stars, Christmas-parents, Mickey, Minnie, Hello Kitty and many other dolls. The mix of classic and children’s decorations is very funny and full of color. At least I think it is! I will leave you now with some pictures of my Christmas tree and my favorite pendants.

And how do you decorate your Christmas tree? Do you prefer a more classic decor or are you taking risks like me? Tell me in the comments of this post or on the blog’s instagram. Follow me there to be always informed of new posts.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas! ❤️🎄

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