I’m back again! 🗺

World to Explore - Travel Blog

It’s true, I’m back to the blog and regular travel itinerary posts 🙈. The last post was published over 2 years ago, and honestly, I’m not even sure how so much time passed because I didn’t notice it. A lot has happened during this period; COVID-19 almost came to an end, I bought a house and already moved in, and I traveled quite a bit to destinations that are well worth it…

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5 More fun facts about me

World to Explore Blog - Travel Itinerary script tips

Another post about me and that has nothing to do with travel! If you want to read the first 5 curiosities about me please click here. If you have already read, continue this article to know more about me and my life. I think that each one of us has things that few people know but that defines us…

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Legos of world attractions

World to Explore blog Legos Store New York Architecture 3

The LEGO brand has a collection called Architecture that has legos of the most important world attractions. They are not exactly cheap legos but the detail of the pieces, the instruction book 📖 completely pays off. The year before I went to New York I discovered this collection and loved it. I don’t have the patience to set…

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File for travel planning

World to Explore Travel Itinerary Excel File Planning

Planning a trip is essential for everything to go well and to avoid wasting time and money. Read here all the posts about planning. When planning a trip, it’s important to annotate everything 📝 in the same place instead of creating multiple files and using multiple platforms. Like I said in other posts, I use […]

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5 Fun facts about me

World to Explore Blog - Travel Itinerary script tips

3 months of the blog! This blog continues to be a brutal adventure that has made me learn a lot. However, I feel like you still don’t know anything about me except the fact that I love to travel! Because of this, I will tell you 5 fun facts about me!

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Who is this blog for?

World to Explore Travel itinerary script and tips 2 months

We reached the two months of this blog! 🌎 I am so happy! Do you still remember the post I made in the first month to introduce the numbers we achieved over that month? If not, please read here! To celebrate this second month I thought of something very different. I have learned a lot from my blog… managing social…

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She dreams of travelling

World to Explore Travel Blog Itinerary Scripts She dreams of travelling

Dreaming, awake or asleep, is so good… I dream a lot about the trips I want to make even if they are in a distant future. When I watch movies, I read magazines, or even wandering through social networks, I find those perfect pictures of incredible and stunning travel destinations where I would love to go. I always…

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Travel Books for trip planning

Travel Books Planning - Travel itinerary World to Explore DK CityMap

Planning a trip takes a lot of work and when you are a perfectionist person like me, it takes twice the time. For me, it’s essential to have a well-defined travel itinerary in order to not waste time or money. I do my research on websites and blogs on the internet, travel videos on youtube but also through books 📚…

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The first month of the blog

World to Explore - Travel itinerary, script, tips, guide - 1 month

Creating this travel blog has been an adventure. I was very reluctant to do it but the truth is that I gained courage and took a chance. I don’t regret my decision! Initially I think I was ashamed but then I thought… ashamed of what? Fighting for a goal? Wanting to get to know a little about myself and….

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