5 More fun facts about me

World to Explore Blog - Travel Itinerary script tips

Another post about me and that has nothing to do with travel! If you want to read the first 5 curiosities about me please click here. If you have already read, continue this article to know more about me and my life.

I think that each one of us has things that few people know but that defines us and are part of our life. I will now tell you 5 more facts about myself. Hope you like it!

1. I love using hair accessories

I would say that half the days of the week I have an accessory on my head. I really like bows, hooks, headbands, and that type of things. I am a very feminine girl and the way I dress shows perfectly that.

World to Explore Travel Blog - Itinerary Script Guide Tips (accessories)

2. My hair is curly

Nowadays, my hair is naturally curly. After showering, when the hair dries it is all curly. But it wasn’t always like this. Until I was 15 my hair was completely straight! There was a Carnival where I put curlers on my hair but the next day I woke up with straight hair. I would rather have straight hair because I like it better but if I had straight I would probably prefer to have curly hair. 🙈

3. My favourite food is lasagna

Regarding gastronomic tastes I think I was born Italian and I don’t know. I love pasta, pizza and especially lasagna. Sometimes I make lasagna at home and I have to say it tastes really good! From Monday to Friday I am the cooker 👩‍🍳 at home.

4. I need and I like to sleep

I am type of person that really needs to sleep to feel good. I make very few nights without sleeping and avoid sleeping little time because on the following days it costs me a lot. During the week I always have to wake up early to go to work but at the weekends I like to sleep until later.

5. I like to take photos

I really like taking photographs, especially when I travel. I like to photograph the buildings and all the details to remember later. I’m not the best photographer on earth because the photos are usually crooked but then I straighten them out in a program. I also like to be photographed.

And here are 5 more facts about me. Little by little you get to know me a little bit better. Click here to read all the posts about me and don’t forget to follow on instagram to know about the new posts.

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